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Carta de la Priora General – Adviento 2021

Por | 2021, Carta de la Priora General

Adviento 2021

Queridas hermanas:

         La palabra “Adviento“ viene del latín adventus, que quiere decir “venida”; es el tiempo de preparación para la segunda venida del Senor. Adviento, como tiempo que prepara la Navidad, se reduce a cuatro semanas, pero el Adviento verdadero no tiene límite de tiempo, es cosa de todo el año y de cada día; es una actitud del alma.

         Entre lo más significativo de este tiempo, sobresale la esperanza, un valor de alto estímulo frente a tanta rutina, desaliento, cansancio o mirada corta. Todas necesitamos imperiosamente la esperanza, sin ella es imposible sobrevivir.  La esperanza que ha animado  a tantas generaciones de creyentes, nos sale al paso de manera especial en cada Adviento.

         JESÚS  es  la mayor esperanza posible para que la humanidad entera y cada una de nosotras podamos avanzar.  Él se nos acerca a diario de distintos modos y mediante símbolos variados: su palabra, la comunidad, los sacramentos, los pobres, ciertos acontecimientos, la cruz de cada día… Nos encuentra a ras de suelo, en la calle, en los caminos…. El Evangelio de este primer domingo lo  expresa con alta animación:  “¡Levantaos, alzad la cabeza, se acerca vuestra liberacion!”

         La Sagrada Escritura en este tiempo al hablarnos de la esperanza, nos presenta las grandes figuras de la esperanza en el Adviento.

         El primero es San Juan Bautista, el precursor del Señor, el que allanó el camino con su esperanza  para la venida de Cristo, a través de su estilo de vida penitencial y su predicación, sin importar las consecuencias.

         Pero los grandes modelos de la esperanza del Adviento son María y José.

         José, de la ciiudad de Nazaret en Galilea, de la casa y linaje de David (cf. Lc 2,4) desposado con María. Hombre recto, de esperanza, que tuvo que confiar mucho en Dios para cumplir el papel que tenía por delante, como lo describió en un sueño un ángel que le dijo que el hijo que nacería de María fue concebido por el Espíritu Santo y se llamaría Jesús, porque salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados.  José se presenta como el hombre que confió en Dios en todo momento, por difícil que fuera su papel.

         María tiene muchos títulos de honor, pero su título especial es “Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza”.

         Las verdaderas estrellas de nuestra vida son las personas que han vivido santas.  Son luces de esperanza. Ciertamente, Jesucristo es la verdadera luz… pero para llegar a Él también necesitamos luces cercanas: personas que brillen con su luz y nos guíen en nuestro camino. ¿Quién más que María podría ser una estrella de esperanza para nosotras? Con su Sí abrió la puerta de nuestro mundo a Dios mismo; ella se convirtió en el santuario viviente de la Alianza, en el que Dios se hizo carne, se convirtió en uno de nosotros y lanzó su tienda entre nosotros (cf. Jn 1,14).

         Cuando se le presentó la invitación para ser Madre de Dios, María se preguntó cómo podría desempeñar el papel.  Pero ella nunca dudó, creyó que se cumpliría lo que le fue dicho por el Señor.

         Miremos  a María y José como verdaderos modelos de esperanza en este sagrado tiempo de Adviento.  Vivámoslo con gozo.

         Delante del pesebre en el día de Navidad renovemos nuestro compromiso de ser portadoras de esperanza en el mundo.


         ¡Feliz Adviento y Navidad!



                                                                  Un fraternal abrazo y mi oración,  

                                                                  Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.

                                                                            Priora General

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Noticias de la Curia – diciembre 2021

Por | Boletines, Boletines 2021, Bulletins, Bulletins 2021

Entre las actitudes más significativas de este tiempo, sobresale la esperanza, un valor de alto estímulo frente a tanta rutina, desaliento, cansancio o mirada corta. Todas necesitamos imperiosamente la esperanza, sin ella es imposible sobrevivir.  La esperanza que ha animado  a tantas generaciones de creyentes, nos sale al paso de manera especial en cada Adviento.

        Among the most significant attitudes during this season, hope stands out. It is a highly motivating value in the face of so much routine, discouragement, fatigue or short of expectations. We all greatly need hope, it is impossible to survive without it. The hope that has animated so many generations of believers manifests to us in a special way each Advent.

(Carta circular “Adviento 2021”)

Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.

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Noticias de la Curia – noviembre 2021

Por | Boletines, Boletines 2021, Bulletins, Bulletins 2021

Para nosotras, las Misioneras, casi podemos elaborar un libro que narre las cosas buenas que el P. Solís ha hecho por nuestro Instituto sobre todo para las Provincias de Filipinas y Taiwán. Era un verdadero hermano, siempre disponible y dispuesto a ayudar y apoyar; bien sea para un retiro anual y mensual, formación permanente, confesión, ser celebrante-predicador de la Misa en las grandes ocasiones y profesiones religiosas

For us Misioneras, we can come up with a book narrating the good things which Fr. Solis has done for our Institute specifically for the Provinces of the Philippines and Taiwan. He is a true brother who was always available and disposed to help and assist; be it annual retreat, monthly recollections, permanent formation, confession, Holy Mass Celebrant-homilist on grand occasions and Religious professions


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Letter from General Prioress – Our Lady of the Holy Rosary 2021

Por | 2021, Letter from General Prioress

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary 2021

Dear sisters,

            We are in October, the so-called “month of the Rosary” and in it we celebrate the feast of Our Mother, the Lady of the Rosary. Is there a better way of honoring her than by praying the rosary? She has appeared a lot of time with “rosary in hand”.  She loves the rosary, because though it may seem that its prayer is a mere manifestation of Marian piety (it is, as well), nevertheless its foundation is Christological, the protagonist is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Virgin Mary.

            Indeed, the various mysteries of the Rosary are like “photographs” of emblematic moments in the life of Jesus, perceived through the eyes of Mary.  In the Gospel of her feast day (Lk 1: 26-38), we contemplate the mystery of the Annunciation of the archangel, Saint Gabriel, to the Virgin. The dialogue between the messenger and Mary is very important; important in her YES, “let it be done to me according to your word”. Important because it marked the beginning of the fulfillment of the promise of salvation: the Incarnation of the Son of God. The protagonist is Jesus who became incarnate in his womb; Mary acts as an instrument.

            The rosary is a simple and profound prayer that leads us to contemplate the face of the Lord.  Guided by the hands of Our Mother we approach the Son. In the contemplation of each mystery of the rosary we can learn from Mary the contemplation of the beauty of the face of Christ and experience the depth of the entire Gospel message. The rosary is nourished directly from the Gospel; therefore, it helps us embrace the evangelical values.

            With good reason, Pope Saint Paul VI said of the Rosary that it is a compendium of the Gospel; but without contemplation, it is a body without a soul and its prayer is in danger of becoming a mechanical repetition. The Rosary requires a slow, thoughtful and attentive prayer that facilitates meditation on the mysteries of the Lord, seen through the heart of Mary.

            Sisters, may Our Mother, the Lady of the Rosary, help us to strengthen our union and communion with Christ.



                                                                  My fraternal embrace and prayer,


                                                                                   Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.   

                                                                                               General Prioress

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Carta de la Priora General – Ntra. Sra. del Rosario

Por | 2021, Carta de la Priora General




Queridas hermanas:

            Estamos comenzando el mes de octubre, el  llamado “mes del Rosario” y en él celebramos la fiesta de Nuestra Madre, la Virgen del Rosario.   ¿Què  mejor manera de honrarla que rezando el rosario?  Tantas veces ella misma se ha aparecido con “rosario en mano”. A ella le gusta, porque aunque pueda parecer que el  rezo del rosario es una manifestacion de piedad mariana (desde luego lo es), sin embargo su fundamento es cristológico, el protagonista es Jesucristo, el Hijo de Maria Virgen.

            En efecto, los diversos misterios del Rosario, son como  “fotografías“ de momentos emblemáticos de la vida  de Jesús vistos desde la mirada de Maria. En el evangelio del día de su fiesta (Lc 1, 26-38), contemplamos el misterio de la Anunciación del arcangel San Gabriel a la Virgen.  Es muy importante el diálogo entre el mensajero y María; importante en su SÍ, “hágase en mí según tu palabra”. Importante porque marcó el comienzo de la realización de la promesa de salvación: la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios. El protagonista es Jesús que se encarnó en su vientre; María actua como instrumento.

            El rosario es una oración sencilla y profunda que nos conduce a la contemplación del rostro del Señor. De las manos de María vamos al Hijo. En la contemplación de cada misterio del rosario podemos aprender de María a contemplar la belleza del rostro de Cristo y experimentar la profundidad de todo el mensaje evangélico. El rosario se nutre directamente de las fuentes del Evangelio, por lo tanto nos facilita la asimilación de los valores evangélicos.

            Con razón, el Papa San Pablo VI, dijo del Rosario que es un compendio del Evangelio; pero  sin  contemplación, es un cuerpo sin alma y su rezo corre peligro en convertirse en una repetición mecánica.  El Rosario exige un rezo  pausado, reflexivo, atento que facilite la meditación de los misterios del Senor, vistos a través del corazón de Maria.

            Hermanas, que Nuestra Madre, la Virgen del Rosario, nos ayude a fortalecer nuestra unión y comunión con Cristo.


                                                                                   Un fraternal abrazo y mi oración,


                                                                                   Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.

                                                                                                  Priora General

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Letter from General Prioress

Por | 2021, Letter from General Prioress

Dear Sisters,

Once again, the Lord has given us the opportunity to celebrate the feast of Our Father Saint Dominic. This year in the context of the eighth centenary of his “dies natalis” under the theme “At the table with St. Dominic of Guzman”. The motto is derived from the painting called “Mascarella”; the oldest painting of St. Dominic which reflects one of the fundamental pillars of the Dominican charism “The Community Life”; a table around which his children sit as a family, in communion within the community.

For St. Dominic, community life constitutes a value and a fundamental pillar. In choosing the Rule for the Order, he chose that of Saint Augustine, which begins by reminding the religious that “they live in the same house to form a single family having one heart and one soul in God”. Community life is the fertile soil where the mission- preaching, gains strength. For this reason, he asked the novices two things before accepting them into the Order: obedience and commitment to community life. 

             Wanting to imitate the Apostles throughout his life, Dominic had as a model for the community of his brothers the first apostolic community. In this community the first Christians “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers. All believers lived together and had everything in common. Praising God and enjoying the good favor of the people”. 

             Dominic lived community life in its fullness. He participated in all the activities and submitted to the community in everything. “He thoroughly observed the Rule – according to the witnesses in the canonization process – and does not easily dispense himself from it. He followed the community in the choir, the dining room for the meals and in all places” according to the schedules; he adapted himself to the community in everything, and although he often spent the nights praying in the church, he is present in the chapel with his brothers for the morning prayer “. However, community life is not only about being present in the regular observances; because one can be physically present but emotionally far away; the gestures and details of his closeness and tenderness towards the nuns and brothers are recognized by everyone. Saint Dominic taught us that life in common requires charity towards each sister, presence and active participation in the activities of the community, rejoice with those who are rejoicing, sympathy with those who are sad, listen to each person and accept everyone.

             It also means putting everything in common; not only the material things or the fruit of one’s own work, but also the values, gifts and qualities that each sister has; sharing their ideas, helping each other and placing the common good first before individual interest. I believe that the reason why Dominic was exemplary in community living was because of his humanity, he was fully human, fully alive.

Dominic’s humanity is characterized by contrasts: strong but tender, decisive but open, firm but compassionate.

Dominic had to overcome many obstacles, many adversities in life, however nothing of harshness, rigidity or intolerance is ever seen in his character. According to the memory of witnesses who lived with him, Dominic stood out especially for his tenderness, sensitivity and compassion- virtues that humanize.

He lived and fully exemplified what Pope Francis affirms “only tenderness can change people”.

Dominic´s heart broke; he is deeply moved by the sufferings and needs of others. He went out and put himself in place of the other, he sympathized with their pain and joy. He was warm and treated everybody humanely. These are just some of his traits, his true humanity. It was not sufficient for him to feel sorry, he did something and responded to injustices and to the needs of others. We know very well the many episodes in his life in which he tried to remedy the suffering of somebody to the extent of giving his own life.

The Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard, challenged us in one of his letters about the jubilee: What does it mean for us to be at table with Saint Dominic in the here and now?

We have to ask this question specially at this time when the fear of being contaminated from Covid 19 virus overwhelms and threatens us and use it as an excuse to “keep our distance”.

I think that to sit down at the table of St. Dominic today implies that we intentionally become attentive to the needs of the sisters specially the weak, those who are most in need, those who are apparently self-sufficient; to listen patiently to each one, listen to their fears, their concerns, their anxieties and encourage that each sister can freely express her concerns and be comforted with respect and kindness. Not all have the same sensitivity and the ability to face the “fears” of life. As the saying goes: “those who are strong have to bear the infirmities of the weak”. 

To sit at the table of Dominic in our present time commits us to dare to talk to each other, in all honesty and truthfulness say what we care about our community, what troubles us, what we like, as well as the concerns of our fellowmen.  For this we have to support as well as sustain each other and seriously discern the urgent needs of our present society.

A community does not advance humanly or spiritually if it is not nourished, expressed and manifested with gestures, attitudes and words. Only if we express our humanity and tenderness, as did our Father, can we witness the greatness of the love and fellowship and respond to the cries of injustice and needs of humanity. Dominic was well aware of the reality of his time, he got involved and committed himself to making a better world.

Let us learn from Dominic how to pay attention to the sisters whom we live with; to accept and welcome their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, just as he accepted that of the friars with whom he lived.  Let us avoid closing in on ourselves but let us open, as he did, our eyes, ears and arms to the cry of those who are in need.

I think Dominic would be delighted to live in communities today where there is genuine concern, love and support for each other; where each one strives to discern the signs of the times making this civilization a little more pleasant to live in.

HAPPY FEASTDAY OF ST. DOMINIC. May this jubilee year serve to renew ourselves by following the teachings and examples of our Father.

With fraternal embrace and my prayers,


                                            Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.

                                                   General Prioress

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