
Universidad de Santa Catalina

Information and Activities

Sei Catalina Daigaku

Hojo 660

Matsuyama Shi, Ehime Ken

Japón 799-2496


  • We emphasize equality, in every sense of the word, of all human beings, created by the love of God and in his image. Hence, everyone possesses the same rights.
  • We promote solidarity. Human beings are fundamentally social beings, living in community and forming a society through mutual assistance. We learn to love people by discovering the image of God in each one.
  • We uphold the spirituality of man for it is what makes him different from other creatures. Human beings are responsible of their actions, and they are free beings who create culture with intelligence and will.
  • Earthly life is not eternal. Humans living in this world are travelers towards God as their destination. Guiding persons on the path to God is an important mission of Christian education.
  • Kindergarten annexed to the university:
    • As a Catholic mission school, it values “intellectual education” based on unchanging truth. It helps children to experience the preciousness of life and the love of God shown by Jesus Christ in their relationships with friends and teachers, and to develop a grateful heart for the gift of salvation.
    • We carry out basic childhood education, creating an environment in which the little ones can develop their attitudes through activities, at the same time, preparing them to face society.
    • The Montessori Method is applied in kindergarten. The material used is adapted to the age of the children aimed to educate their personality, to develop their creativity and the value of solidarity in order to equip them with strategies for coexistence and relationship with their peers.