Letter from General Prioress – Virgen del Rosario 2024

Virgen del Rosario 2024

Dear Sisters,

We get in touch, once again, to honor our Mother in heaven, Our Lady of the Rosary. We turn to her so that, in accordance with her title ‘of the Rosary’, she may help us to participate consciously in the mysteries of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

On this day we raise our hearts to her, contemplating the mystery of the Incarnation made real in her virginal womb, feeling deeply moved by her humility and her unwavering faith. Through her “Fiat” the fulfillment of God’s saving plan began.  She opened us to the hope of a new world: the Kingdom of God, where peace, justice and fraternity reign. It is in this conviction that we can hold on in the midst of the current situation in which we live, surrounded by wars.

Mary’s life is a constant example of contemplation. In each mystery of the Rosary, we see her immersed in a profound communion with her Son, meditating on the events of his life with a love and understanding that surpasses us. Her heart, full of grace, was the first sanctuary where the Word of God dwelt; and the more she delves into contemplation, the more her love grows.

As Dominican missionaries, her example encourages us to live the charism of our Order: to contemplate and to share what we have contemplated.  Like her, we must constantly deepen our contemplation of the mysteries of our faith, so that we can share them with others in a clear and inspiring way; and so that we ourselves may grow in the love of God. Contemplation leads us to communion with God.  In the recitation of the Holy Rosary, we find a sure path to achieve this union with Christ.  Each Hail Mary is an invitation to join our voice to that of our brothers and sisters, to that of the angels and the saints, proclaiming the greatness of the Lord.  Each mystery is an opportunity to meditate on the life, passion, death and glory of Jesus, and to experience the joy of his Resurrection and the greatness of God’s love.

At this time when peace is the most desired gift, let us ask for the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, trusting that she can obtain it from her Son, as she has shown us so many times.  May her maternal presence console so many people who are suffering the horrors of wars, as she consoled her Son at the foot of the cross. Let us also pray that our hearts would be a reflection of hers, full of love, peace and hope.

Happy feastday to all!


                                                                       With my fraternal embrace and prayer


Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.

                                                         Prioress General


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