Entre las actitudes más significativas de este tiempo, sobresale la esperanza, un valor de alto estímulo frente a tanta rutina, desaliento, cansancio o mirada corta. Todas necesitamos imperiosamente la esperanza, sin ella es imposible sobrevivir. La esperanza que ha animado a tantas generaciones de creyentes, nos sale al paso de manera especial en cada Adviento.
Among the most significant attitudes during this season, hope stands out. It is a highly motivating value in the face of so much routine, discouragement, fatigue or short of expectations. We all greatly need hope, it is impossible to survive without it. The hope that has animated so many generations of believers manifests to us in a special way each Advent.
(Carta circular “Adviento 2021”)
Sor Mª Asunción González, O.P.